sabato 24 settembre 2011

LIVE! with Vic Du Monte's Persona Non Grata + Been Obscene


In occasione del tour europeo di supporto a Barons & Bankers, il loro ultimo lavoro su Go Down Records, Vic Du Monte's Persona Non Grata (ex Kyuss members!) fa tappa al Plettro Alternative Sound, a Quero in provincia di Belluno (strada Feltrina), dove sarà affiancato dal sound desertico dei psichedelici Been Obscene e dallo stoner dei T.H.U.M.B.!

mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

CD on sale at OZIUM RECORDS!

While we are waiting for the new album the T.H.U.M.B.'s early works Lunar Flight and Overloaded Rock'n'Roll are now available at the Ozium Records online shop:

Take a trip to buy our Cds and tones of other very good stuff!

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Fat Rat and T.H.U.M.B. On internet Radio

Fat Rat Grumble's Come On scheduled on the web Radio UK International and Radio Basingstoke:

Show Times:

Monday 5.00am, 1.00pm, 9.00pm
Thursday 4.00am, Noon, 8.00pm
Friday 9.00am
Sunday 9.00pm

Also on Convet Garden Radio:

Thursday 3.00pm
Saturday 4.00pm